Home / SEO-optimization of the site in Dnipro / Setting up Google Ads Setting up Google Ads

Internet Marketing

Vlasniki business denied access to a large number of tools, which allow, with a different level of efficiency, to get to their site of a large number of entrepreneurs. One of the most popular and working ones is contextual advertising Google Ads. Why do you need a unique tool, which is in constant development, that the management of advertising campaigns becomes more foldable, but at the same time it increases its effectiveness. The implementation of Google Ads is to be carried out with the utmost accuracy in order to allow, in the minds of high competition, to achieve the desired results and optimize advertising spend.

Setting up Google Ads Get a service

What does setting up Google Ads like eMiS give you?


Brand awareness

The whole announcement about the camp of the advertising campaign.


brand loyalty

Revealed pardons, incorrect lashings, and other reasons for the low effectiveness of advertising.


Growing sales

Recommendations on work with shortcomings and strengths of the advertising strategy.

What is Google Ads

Poshukov's Google system behind the request of the coristuvacha shows the slander based on key phrases, which remain the same. Advertisers took away the ability to set bids for keywords, so they could compete with other advertisers' bids for the same keywords, and as a result, slanders were shown on search result pages.

More for others are shown to be stunned with higher high rates. However, the rate is far from the only factor in ranking such stuns. Іstotny vpliv to rob the relevance and yakіst ogoloshennya, the resource itself. That is why, navit rolyachi nayvishu rate, but vikoristovuyuchi inaccurately written vowel and landing page, as it does not show the description in the vowel, the possibility of showing the vowel in the TOP is very low.

Get a service

Benefits you get from Google Ads

The main benefits of advertising on Google:

  • Showing an ad to an audience that is ready to make a purchase. The koristuvach himself spelled out phrases, for which he would sing a stunned show. If you add a mix of key phrases with commercial additions, then you can simply change the number of ineffective impressions, the shards of corystuvachi have already been viewed for purchases.
  • Showing ads only in quiet regions, de you need. Geo-targeting allows you to limit the exact location of the display of the stun, which greatly expands the marketing possibilities. For example, in customizations, you can set the display of voice-overs to short-lived people who live within a radius of 20 kilometers from your company. There is only one more opportunity to promote your products only to those who really need it.
  • Gnuchkіst nalashtuvan. You can easily change the settings in the advertising account, and their number guarantees the creation of effective campaigns in a right way. The feasibility of the advertising cabinet allows you to create campaigns with any budget.
  • You only pay for a click on the voiceovers. In Google, the pay-per-click model is victorious, so you will cry only in that vein, as your stunned ones really need to get stuck. Variety per click is formed in the fall due to competition for the song key. You can set up a reasonable budget and set a limit on bids per click for the exchange of virtual money. In this way, in the form of classic advertising, Google-voices are shown only to people who are addicted, and the fee is charged only for the show.
  • Efficiency control. The office of the koristuvach will ensure greater control over the advertising campaign with the possibility of introducing a whole range of parameters in efficiency, for example, how many koristuvachs can make a noise, how many transitions can be made, but or not. Due to the capabilities of the Google Analytics system, you can quickly make adjustments and improve your efficiency.

Basic steps for setting up Google Ads

Also, the main stages of setting up contextual advertising are significant:

  • defining the goals of the advertising campaign;
  • veneration of the market before the start of the campaign;
  • Google Ads account creation and setup.

Determining the goals of the advertising campaign

Contextual advertising is an effective tool, in front of the audience, it is necessary to clearly indicate the purpose of your campaign. Stay, in your line, owe to the budget.

Otzhe, business goals. Crazy, the main method is to take a profit, but here you need clarification:

  • sales of a specific group of goods;
  • ochіkuvany surpluses;
  • hour, which is needed in order to recoup the investment in advertising costs.

Marketing goals:

  • promotion of brand recognition;
  • drinking water for products;
  • direct sales of products or services;
  • molding of a loyal attitude to the brand i іn.

A lot of marketing goals to lie in the production line will become a business. The main nutrition, on which you should rely:

  • chi koristuetsya drink products;
  • vіdomy spozhivachevі brand and yak tse vplyvaє on the dynamics of drink;
  • what is the reputation of the brand.

Reviews on food can be done after a detailed examination of the market, as it is carried out at another stage.

Vichenya market before the start of the campaign

Main tasks:

  • analysis of competition in a niche;
  • analysis of brand popularity and reputation;
  • drinking analysis;
  • trend analysis.

The analysis of competition is carried out for a few steps:

  • search for competitors;
  • analysis of the strategy of competitors;
  • dependent on the budget of advertising campaigns of competitors.

Competitor polls are introduced by the way of introducing special search requests, for which targeting is being adjusted in advance, which confirms the target audience. Krіm zvichaynykh ogoloshen, slid to get to the analysis of the Google Shopping - goods that appear in the upper part of the side or right-handed.

Vykoristovuyuchi key goals, we are distinguished by competitors and carried out analysis for additional automatic services, which allow us to take important information for us:

  • key requests;
  • drinking water for products;
  • keywords for different regions;
  • smist stunned.

We also estimate the approximate budget of competitors. In order to get a bigger picture, to protect the entire list of key words in the future, I’ll drink a lot of money on a variety of products and products to the brand as a whole. In this rank, we signify the need for additional investments for the development of drink and promotion of the brand.

The creation of a Google Ads face post and the improvement

At what stage are the steps of the robots:

  • Creation of a Google Ads visual post.
  • Setting up an advertising campaign (designing the targeting of impressions, daily budget, mobile browser interfaces, setting up a bidding system).
  • The installation of additional elements of voice-over, as a building promotion CTR.
  • Selection of key phrases based on priority product groups, audience segmentation, analysis of competitors' keys.

After the launch of the first company, work is carried out on the effective structure of the office, in order to further forgive the work with him and make it more efficient.

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