Home / Banner advertising

Banner advertising from A to Z

Banner advertising is a variety of media advertising. For the purpose of delivering information to the subscribers, as well as for sending potential buyers to the site of advertising, on various sites on the Internet, as well as in the wired search systems Google, Yandex, YouTube, Gmail, graphic banners are placed.

If you compare banner advertising with other advertising (city-lights, bigboards), then the placement of information on the Internet is clearly the leader behind all showcases.

Firstly, advertising banners are displayed on the side only of those short days, so that we can inform you about this (in view of sites with similar themes, short ones, for stretching the rest of the days, they tried to ask for similar searches) goods and services).

In another way, a large-scale advertising campaign on the Internet, which is guaranteed for a million audience, is available not only to great organizations with worldly names, but also to representatives of the middle and small business.

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Benefits of banner advertising


Great audience reach

Your voiceovers can win over 90% of your target audience. The number of impressions to fall only according to your budget


Brand awareness

Zavdyaki yaskravіy and "screaming" advertising koristuvachі will remember the brand. The very corporate style will be thrown into his eyes


Mitthevius result

Koristuvachі pochachit result through kіlka khvilin after the launch of advertising

When you need banner ads

  • Do you want to achieve goals set in business
  • Media advertising gives you the opportunity to showcase the success of active correspondents and after a thorough analysis, competently develop an advertising campaign, straighten your business.

  • You need to convey information to the target audience about cheap discounts, promotions that are being held.
  • Banner advertising is available for those clients who have chosen to choose, but have not yet made a banquet; Tim, who wants to make a purchase, but does not know about the model, price, stores. Also, banner ads are available to other categories of correspondents.

  • Do you want your resource to become recognized and popular with the media.
  • Yakіsny banner invariably attracts the glance of an Internet koristuvach. Navit yakscho vin do not rob the transition to your resource through a banner, the appearance of the brand is all the same, it is necessary to sit in yoga under the bridge.

  • Promote a new product on the Internet market.
  • In any case, you cannot do without contextual media advertising. Competent placement of banners in search systems and on thematic sites of communication will lead to the point that your product/service will win the target audience and become demanded.

  • Do you want to get new leads on your resource, and at the same time new potential buyers along with them.
  • Banner advertising in the Google media is an indispensable helper on the way to reach a million audience, which is a real way to bring to the site 200 applications for production, an increase in sales obligation by 20% without additional contributions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do we practice?

  • To request a site for additional banner advertising, call us from any point in Ukraine, whether it be Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa, Zaporizhzhia, or fill out an application on emis.ua for the promotion of banner advertising Google or Yandex
  • Over the course of the day, we give you your attention to the promotion, so that you can get acquainted with the budget for the complex of advertising services
  • Domovlyaemosya about personal zustrіch or videoconferencing, on it we determine the goals and objectives, we expand the strategy of pushing the site for an additional contextual media measure
  • We draw up and sign a contract
  • After making an advance payment, we proceed until the end of the planned work

How much does it cost to set up banner ads?

For a skin client, the choice of payment type is determined individually. We practice rozrahunok for the total number of services for a month, arrahuvannya sumi with payment per skin click (CPC - cost per click), payment for a thousand impressions.

  • One-time campaign setting - price per 800 UAH in fallage, foldability and obligatory work;
  • Preparation of a media advertising project with the distribution of 7 banners of a standard size - the price is 400 UAH;
  • Support for an advertising campaign - 500 UAH

As a rule, the agencies for the promotion of advertising on the Internet should pay the client's budget in a short term, with the method of omitting commissions. The eMiS company in its activity is aimed at achieving the maximum result for its client, which is why we judge the most viable way and the optimal amount of payment for a skin caregiver, it is clear before the tasks are set before the fakhivtsy.

What is included in the service of banner advertising?

When zamovlennі banner advertising:

  • Expanding the media plan and selecting the optimal maidans for demonstrating an advertising banner, depending on the specifics of your business, additionally helping to reach a different audience;
  • Prepared advertising material;
  • It is possible to set up advertising in the most popular search engines Yandex and Google;
  • In the course of the advertising campaign, we conducted an analysis of vicorist maidanchiks and vicorist only effective tools;
  • In the process of working on a project at the skin stage, the results are subsequently evaluated, which gives the possibility to optimize the further strategy of the advertising campaign;
  • We regularly conduct analysis of banner advertising of various expansions, following the follow-up of the maydanchiks themselves.

Who will be in charge of your project?

  • Project manager
  • Contextual advertising specialist
  • SMM specialist
  • Internet marketer
  • Designer
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