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Site structure development

Correct, and therefore comfortable and logical for the average user, the structure of the site allows you to improve the usability of the site, which reduces the number of bounces, and also has a positive effect on conversion and even search traffic, which ultimately increases your company's profit.

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What is website structure development?


Technical task

We will create a detailed terms of reference for the development of your future project.


Interactive sketch prototype

We will develop a schematic layout that displays the main functionality: buttons, forms, text blocks, images, etc.


UI/UX design

We will design based on user experience and the needs of your target audience.

Site structure: what is it, why is it needed and what happens

A distinction must be made between external and internal structure. The first is the page layout, and the second is the categories and the arrangement of pages or individual content according to them. The structure of the site depends on the purpose of the resource. The easiest way to develop it is for a business card site, but for commercial sites everything is much more complicated. As a rule, in this case we have three levels of nesting:

Структура сайта

A distinction must be made between external and internal structure. The first is the page layout, and the second is the categories and the arrangement of pages or individual content according to them. The structure of the site depends on the purpose of the resource. The easiest way to develop it is for a business card site, but for commercial sites everything is much more complicated. As a rule, in this case we have three levels of nesting:

  • the main page of the resource;
  • categories that describe groups of goods, services, etc.;
  • subcategories that are needed to describe subspecies.

The information resource has a similar structure with the only difference that from the main page we get into separate sections that have no informational value, but are article directories. Moreover, each article is a separate page (sections of commercial sites contain important information about goods and services).

The most complex structure of online stores. There are even more levels here: the main page, categories, subcategories and product cards. Some characteristics should become subcategories, while others should be used as filters. For example, in clothing, one can distinguish such subcategories as "women's", "men's", "for children". "Winter", "summer", "demi-season" - can become filters, as well as its color and materials of manufacture - it makes no sense to make its own subcategory for each characteristic.

The correct structure of the site should ensure a comfortable user experience, and search robots can easily explore your resource, which will avoid problems with indexing.

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There are the following types of site structures:

Linear. The most understandable and simple scheme. Here, each page links sequentially to one another. The user has only one way to view all the content of the site from the first to the last page. This structure is suitable for portfolio sites, landing pages. Using it, we set ourselves the goal of taking the client along the shortest path we need. The line structure can branch out if you need to introduce additional products to it.

Website Structure

Block. It is used quite rarely, as it is suitable mainly for cases when it is necessary to present one product. In each block, we describe one benefit, and on each page there is a link to another. The structure is as clear as possible to search engines: the main thing is to ensure the correct content of the site.

The structure of the online store

Tree-like. The most common variety, with which you can clearly form a hierarchy of resource pages and link them with breadcrumbs. The best option for website promotion, so in most cases it is used.

The logical structure of the site

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Basic requirements for the structure:

  • The structure should be clear to the visitor. The entire hierarchy of categories and subcategories of goods, services, information should be intuitively accessible so that the visitor and your potential client can quickly find what they need.
  • Nesting of pages should be optimal and logical. Even when visiting your site for the first time, the user must quickly navigate, find the position of interest to him in a few clicks, which is possible only with an optimized structure.
  • Easy navigation is an important condition for comfortable work with the site. Navigation elements should be located in the visible part of the resource, and when switching to one of the categories, it is necessary to provide access to additional controls so that the user can navigate the assortment and be able to move from one page to another.
  1. Structure analysis and status audit:
  • studying the current structure of the resource, analyzing the semantic core and identifying weaknesses;
  • audit of the state of the resource and the creation of technical specifications for optimizing the site in accordance with the requirements of search engines.
  1. Analysis of demand and competitors:
  • analysis of competitors and assortment in the search;
  • identification of traffic sources and their analysis;
  • analysis of content on the resources of competitors.
  1. Creation of the site structure:
  • definition of landing pages;
  • formation of a logical hierarchy of all sections, which should contain categories, subcategories, filters, etc.;
  • structure agreement.
  1. Implementation of the new structure:
  • making adjustments in accordance with the goals of the company and its priorities;
  • formation of recommendations for the implementation of the developed changes.

The most time-consuming process is the creation of the structure of online stores, since there are a large number of products that are divided into categories, manufacturers, characteristics, etc. To optimize the operation of the site, prioritized tasks should be determined before starting work:

  • the most profitable positions;
  • what goods are sold the fastest and easiest;
  • the availability of commodity items in you and in the warehouses of the manufacturer.

Based on this, the positions that should be promoted in the first place are determined. With SEO optimization, they will be given the most attention. If the products of one of the manufacturers are in high demand, separate pages for brands are created.

Advantages of websites with a well-thought-out structure

Let's define the main advantages of resources with an SEO structure:

  • Speed ​​up the indexing of resources with a large number of pages, for example, large sites for the sale of goods.
  • A well-thought-out structure allows you to avoid technical errors that affect SEO, such as blank pages, etc.
  • Improving usability, which positively affects behavioral factors, reduces the number of bounces.
  • An increase in conversion, which is a consequence of the two previous factors: users are satisfied and buy more.
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The correct structure of the site of the online store with the help of eMiS Internet marketing studio

Build the foundation for your business and move forward with confidence. The structure of the website is the necessary foundation, without which all your actions in the web space will be ineffective. In order to stay on course, you need a good guide, which can be eMiS internet marketing studio. Our main advantages:

  • website promotion within strictly specified time frames;
  • individual approach to customer needs;
  • a wide range of options for solving various problems facing the customer;
  • reasonable cost of all services provided by the studio;
  • personal consultations;
  • the use of proven technologies that allow you to achieve the desired effect on time;
  • optimal time to complete tasks due to well-organized teamwork;
  • tracking processes and promptly making adjustments;
  • detailed reports for each project.

We work with any projects, regardless of the scale and area of ​​interest, and conquer with quality service and craftsmanship.

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