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Instagram promotion

The last couple of years have drastically changed Instagram. There are new opportunities for advertising, the audience has changed dramatically. At the beginning of its development, the core of the network was made up of women under 35 years old, and today its audience has matured significantly. True, no one has accurate data on the structure and size of the Instagram network audience, and its press service reports data on the number only when it reaches new heights. Therefore, you can rely only on relevant independent research that will help determine how “yours” is the audience of the network and whether you need Instagram promotion.

So, studies have shown that the social network has begun to actively penetrate the regions, and secondly, its audience has become more mature. Today, Instagram really shows good results in sales, and there are a huge number of examples of this. Let's say more, there are many companies that use only this social network as a platform for their sales and at the same time are very actively developing.

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What is eMiS Instagram Promotion?


Open budget

We do not take money from the budget for advertising. All approved budget goes to promotion.


Cost per conversion optimization

Realistic cost per conversion forecasts will allow you to calculate your budget for a long time ahead.


Flexible strategy

Daily analysis of advertising campaigns allows you to identify ways to optimize sales.

Instagram for business: what are its advantages

Let's determine how useful promotion on Instagram can be for small and medium-sized businesses. The main advantages of Instagram:

  • Tell the world about the brand. Instagram allows you to make connections with customers more personal. This is facilitated by multimedia content: photos and videos with the participation of your employees and happy customers. The news feed can be filled with events from the everyday work of employees, news about events and customer reviews.
  • Become an expert. Become an expert for your followers. Offer them useful information about your products or services. If you become an expert in their eyes, you will increase the credibility of everything you do. Your options are endless: post tips, reviews, talk about your activities in videos, and more.
  • Collect data. Initiate a dialogue with users using the "Poll" option. Thus, you can analyze your work, find out the opinion of the consumer about the products, which will allow you to optimize the work of the company. Keep in mind that business accounts have access to analytics information (impressions, follower demographics, etc.).
  • Direct visitors to the official website and other resources. The story provides the ability to add active links, which will allow you to direct users to accounts of other social networks, a blog, a company website, etc. For subscribers, this is primarily access to additional information.
  • Increase sales volumes. Instagram is a unique platform that allows you to present your USP in the most profitable way. You can talk about new products, promotions, new services. A creative approach will ensure an increase in the number of purchases.
  • Attract an audience. Instagram has a very useful tool - Stories, which allows you to run contests, answer pressing questions, announce sales, etc. Mini-videos are located in the profile header, and therefore they are always in front of users.
  • Conduct live broadcasts. This opportunity will be primarily appreciated by educational projects, bloggers, travel companies. Although, probably, any company has moments and events that can and should be shown in real time in order to experience them with subscribers. It is also an opportunity to interview interesting guests, hold quizzes and much more.
  • Establish connections. Instagram is a social network, so where, if not here, you need to look for like-minded people, partners and just good friends who will be useful to your business. You can share ad impressions in Stories, which will generate clicks and conversions
  • Attract new subscribers. Using hashtags and geolocation tags, you will provide users with the ability to easily find your profile on the network, which means that the number of your subscribers will grow.
  • Always be in sight. Use every opportunity to stay in touch with your subscribers. A social network is the most suitable place for this, where you have the opportunity to publish materials for holidays, important events in the life of the country, and other things that may be interesting and important for your users.
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Instagram: promotion by stages

The main steps in promoting your company account:

  • Strategy Development. The basis of future promotion is the analysis of the market and competitors, on the basis of which, as well as determining the target audience, a promotion strategy will be formed. The topic of publications and their frequency should be determined in advance. Posts should be regular, and it is important to determine the target audience of your company, as well as related topics, since potential customers are interested in more than just shopping. The need to make purchases must be generated by the account owner.
  • Create an account and fill in information. The first impressions about your account, and therefore about your company, are formed after a visual acquaintance with the profile. It is important to develop a corporate identity that the followers will unambiguously associate with your company. The description of a brand or an online store should be informative, but concise. Here you need to specify contacts, location, type of activity, a link to the official website.
  • Creation of a content plan. The page should be filled with high-quality and interesting content. If, due to the specifics of your products, photographic materials are of the same type, you can dilute them with more interesting material. At the same stage, high-frequency and effective hashtags are selected. Do not forget about the variety of content. On Instagram, you can post not only photos, but also videos that will motivate your subscribers, make their stay on the profile pages more exciting.
  • Preparation and implementation of advertising campaigns. To stimulate interest in the company's products and increase the number of subscribers, a mass advertising campaign with targeting is carried out.
  • Statistics analysis and strategy correction. The coverage of the audience, its involvement, the number of clicks on external links are studied. If necessary, changes are made to the strategy, the purpose of which may be to expand coverage or, conversely, focus only on potential customers.

So, the foundation of future promotion and account management as a whole is the visual component, since users of Instagram, and other social networks, are primarily visuals. These are photos, the first lines of the post, which should be of interest to followers and potential subscribers. To this end, designers and copywriters are involved in the design and promotion process.

Before starting work, SMM specialists determine the target audience, analyze competitors in order to determine their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the demand for products or services of the customer company is determined, an analysis is made of how well-known the brand (product) is and how consumers relate to it.

After completing the profile, they begin to develop their own style of publications based on the content plan. Publications are made during the most active users, for which statistics are studied, the optimal time intervals for posting are determined. The content plan provides for the mandatory use of hashtags, geotags, optimized headlines and constant support for profile activity. Stories and direct interactions with the audience are also used, contests and surveys are held.

To increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, it is not superfluous to cooperate with influencers. These are bloggers with a high level of authority in their niche and a large subscriber base. By working with them, you can significantly increase the number of your followers or significantly increase sales of goods or services.

Instagram profile promotion results

By promoting your business account with us, you can count on:

  • significant organic growth of subscribers;
  • conversion improvement;
  • you have a corporate identity and a unique format;
  • unique content of your page created by professional designers, photographers, copywriters, marketers;
  • maintaining the activity of the profile, which attracts new subscribers, increases their loyalty to the brand, company.
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Instagram: profile promotion in eMiS internet marketing studio

Social networks are a klondike for businesses of any size and in any field of activity. Using this opportunity correctly is our main task, and in order not to go astray, you will need a good guide in SMM, which can be eMiS internet marketing studio. Our main advantages:

  • order the promotion of the Instagram profile in strictly specified time frames;
  • individual approach to customer needs;
  • a wide range of options for solving various problems facing the customer;
  • reasonable cost of all services provided by the studio;
  • personal consultations;
  • the use of proven technologies that allow you to achieve the desired effect on time;
  • optimal time to complete tasks due to well-organized teamwork;
  • tracking processes and promptly making adjustments;
  • detailed reports for each project.

We work with any projects, regardless of your actual location (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa and other cities of Ukraine), regardless of the scale and area of ​​​​interest, but conquer with quality service and skill.

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