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Targeted social media advertising

Each site owner has a goal: to properly manage the advertising budget, while working only with the target audience that is interested in the proposed product or service. An effective tool for solving this problem is targeted advertising. It involves displaying advertisements to a specific segment of users.

Social networks are the most effective means for displaying targeting. In them, users indicate the necessary personal data: gender, place of residence, age, interests.

Targeted advertising on Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter contributes to the notification of the proposed product only to those users who are interested in it. According to statistics, 80% of users visit their accounts on social networks at least once a day. Based on certain criteria (place of residence, gender, age, marital status, hobby, profession), targeted advertising on social networks allows you to select target customers. Social advertising networks allows you to talk about your site, offer, promotion, conference, etc. A set of these events will attract interested users to your site in order to buy a product or use the service offered.

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When promoting certain goods or services, the business owner is faced with the task of correctly distributing the available finances. The budget should be used to attract new audiences, increase sales, obtain additional markets and at the same time not go beyond the established limits. targeting ads will help you achieve this — showing your creative to a given audience.

The relevance of promotion in social networks

Targeting is effective because it appears at the right time when it is set up correctly. The user is already set to buy, and he immediately receives a "hot offer" - the probability of a successful completion of the transaction is quite high. This will help:

  • increase sales;
  • make a profit even with a minimal budget;
  • identify the target audience and work directly with potential customers.

Another advantage of such promotion in social networks is the increase in brand awareness, which will also bear fruit.

Development of a campaign for social networks

The first step is to determine the strategy of action in order to move forward according to a clearly defined plan. The work on the project includes several main stages - the step-by-step implementation of all points will help to get the maximum effect.

Mind maps or mind maps

Mind maps, also known as mind maps, are the backbone of successful RK. They allow you to structure the available information so that targeting on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte hits right on target. An example of a mind-scheme for a photographer:

Drawing up a mind map clearly demonstrates all groups of potential customers and the benefits that they can be interested in. The advantages of such a scheme are obvious:

  • distribution of clients into groups and development of a separate campaign for each of them;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of selected promotion channels and timely adjustment;
  • attention to detail and the ability to develop new interesting proposals based on the current needs of the target audience.

Promotion channels, like the text of an advertisement, are selected according to the age and hobbies of the target audience. For example, for family photo shoots, customers can be searched through Facebook, while creative shoots are more interesting for Instagram users.

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Target Audience Selection

In solving this problem, it is worth trusting artificial intelligence. With the help of web analytics services, it is possible to obtain detailed information about potential customers:

  • age;
  • floor;
  • geolocation;
  • interests.

Accordingly, this will help determine a further strategy of action. For example, for a cosmetologist, the target audience is teenagers, but promoting services in social networks can be pointless if you focus on users 12-17 years old. Parents make the decision, which means that targeted Facebook ads, linkedin, YouTube, designed for ages 35+ are relevant, and this is a completely different approach, like the text of future commercial ads.

Creative development

A creative is an advertising message that will be shown to users of social networks. When creating it, it is important to take into account the interests of potential buyers listed in mind maps, as well as analyze web analytics data. To get a response from subscribers, it is important to write an ad that has the following characteristics:

  • original content;
  • reflection of the USP (unique selling proposition) of a service or product;
  • compliance with the interests of CA.

This task may seem quite simple, but in practice, creating a good creative is very difficult. Specialists carefully analyze the available data, take into account the characteristics of various social networks, and conduct numerous tests - the combination of these actions makes it possible to achieve the desired effect in the end. This task may seem quite simple, but in practice it is very difficult to create a good creative. Experts carefully analyze the available data, take into account the characteristics of various social networks, conduct numerous tests - the combination of these actions makes it possible to achieve the desired effect in the end.

Facebook Pixel

A pixel is a "secret agent" that methodically collects information about users, recording all the actions performed. Accordingly, its capabilities should be used to promote the brand:

  • selection of users on a given basis (visiting certain pages, performing a procedure);
  • an increase in the number of conversions (even a short ad on Instagram Stories will be effective if it is designed for subscribers whose interests imply the use of promoted goods or services);
  • performance analysis (tools available to the user allow you to monitor performance, making timely changes).

Competent targeting advertising is a great way to attract customers, provided that the tools available are used correctly. Setting up the Facebook pixel should be entrusted to a specialist. This will allow you to get the result on time, fully recouping the initial investment due to stable growth in sales, and, accordingly, profits.

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Advertising texts - the secret of success

The desire to write from the heart, sharing your sincere love for the product being sold, is commendable, but pointless. The market is oversaturated with offers - if the user is not interested from the first seconds, then he will scroll through the page, leaving the text without attention. Therefore, when writing an advertisement, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • uniqueness;
  • conciseness;
  • bright title.

No need to impose a product - a non-standard approach is valued in marketing. It is important to interest, attract attention, correctly present the benefits. At the same time, a number of questions must remain unanswered so that a potential client visits the site for a more detailed acquaintance with the products.

Test advertising campaign

The reference option is to determine the interests of the target audience, create an advertising creative, instantly receive dozens of responses and successfully close deals. That's just the audience is capricious - the format, made according to all the rules, may not go in, but a non-standard approach will instantly arouse interest.

That is why testing ads is a mandatory step that should not be missed. This will help you understand which offers are the most interesting. By analyzing the reaction of subscribers in social networks to certain actions, you can make new offers, expand the current niche, create something that is interesting to the audience.

Control of indicators and analysis of results

Targeted advertising on Instagram is able to quickly provide a constant influx of customers, subject to the infusion of large amounts. But this is an irrational use of the budget, because in fact the bulk of the profit goes to advertising. That's why conversion analysis is done to study how much it costs:

  • transition;
  • application;
  • lead

If one of the indicators “sags”, then a prompt response will prevent the overspending of funds allocated for promotion.

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Targeted advertising

Stability is a great option during the start-up stage of a business, but if there is no growth and development, this period is not so good. Competent scaling will help to cope with “stagnation” – the conversion will increase, and its cost will remain unchanged.

Before moving on to solving this problem, it is important to make sure that the launch and optimization of the campaign were previously successful, and therefore, you can move on to a new stage. You can do this in several ways:

  • increase in the daily budget by 10-20%;
  • campaign duplication;
  • division into segments to increase the relevance of ads;
  • retargeting.

The danger of scaling is that errors are unacceptable. The wrong strategy of action is a rollback and loss of the results obtained earlier. It is important to evaluate the feasibility of changes at the current moment and not to experiment on your own, but to trust those who are well acquainted with the intricacies of working with VK, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

What will you get by ordering targeted advertising in eMiS


Budget Savings

Pay for impressions or clicks at a relatively low cost


Target audience only

Targeted advertising will be directed only to the target audience that interests you


Clear reporting

We provide detailed reasoned reports on the effectiveness of the campaign

You need targeting if

It can take a lot of time to study the features of promoting goods and services on social networks. It is much more profitable to contact a specialized agency, because the result is:

  • The visual component is important for your business - media content
  • If you provide beauty services, sell clothes, baby products
  • If you have a local B2C business
  • You have a small range of goods
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It can take a lot of time to study the features of promoting goods and services on social networks. It is much more profitable to contact a specialized agency, because the result is:

And most importantly, the customer can independently verify how expedient targeting advertising is by examining the submitted reports and evaluating the ratio of investments aimed at promotion and the profit received.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to order targeted advertising in eMiS?

The cost of conducting targeted advertising is from 5000 UAH. Advertising budget must be at least $5 per day

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