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Contextual advertising audit

The main reason for conducting an audit of contextual advertising is to achieve more high results, and to blame it for equalizing your achievements with the achievements of competitors, or with the results of your activity over the last summer period. The task of experts is to reveal the weak and strong sides of a vicious advertising campaign.

To be more precise, the audit of advertising campaigns is nothing more than an analysis of their quality, to improve statistics, and also to formulate recommendations, to help the manager achieve the necessary KPIs and increase profits.

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What gives you an audit of advertising campaigns (AC)?


Brand awareness

The whole announcement about the camp of the advertising campaign.


Brand loyalty

Revealed pardons, incorrect lashings, and other reasons for the low effectiveness of advertising.


Growing sales

Recommendations on work with shortcomings and strengths of the advertising strategy.

Let's try to identify the reasons that spur clients to request analysis of contextual advertising and explain themselves:

  • do not control KPI indicators: I understand contextual advertising, but I don’t know how to reach the right CPA;
  • I need a surplus, but I don’t know anything: I don’t understand anything in contextual advertising, I don’t understand anything in show-offs;
  • before that, everything was perfect, but for the rest of the three months everything was bad: apparently, marketers didn’t work so hard;
  • I want to understand that everything is set up correctly: we ourselves and our colleagues have created contextual advertising;
  • everything works, but you want more: you need new solutions and a development strategy.

Be-yaka z tsikh bolіv klієntіv є a drive in order to get an audit of contextual advertising from fakhіvtsіv.

How to audit advertising campaigns

Significantly, the main stages of reconciliation, which should not be left to the type and niche business:

  • Select data. At what stage fakhivets can identify the main goals of the deputy, the difficulties, with which you happened to close up, see the priorities and important indicators of KPI. We continue to analyze the niche, in which the client works, to determine the target audience and the level of competition. For a complete analysis, you need access to the Google Ads advertising account.
  • Checklist review. A technical audit of the advertising campaign and analysis of KPI indicators are carried out.
  • Pouches. A call is formed from the results of the audit from the designated weak areas, as they were revealed in the advertising office. Recommendations are given on how to address the identified problems, and a strategy is suggested to push the business for additional contextual advertising.
Get a service Audit of advertising campaigns

The most laborious and hour-consuming stage is another. Let's take a look at the new report. Technical audit before re-verification of all adjustments in the advertising office: accounts of working campaigns, groups of voiceovers, without intermediary advertising voiceovers themselves and key phrases. At this stage, special respect is given to:

  • Updated and account structure. Check the link with Google Ads and Analytics, name the groups and campaigns, adjust the rules, scripts, automation processes and other.
  • Setting up campaigns. The consistency of the day budget with the planned budget, the inclusion of minus lines, geo-adjustment, layout and regularity of impressions, the correctness of current adjustments and the type of coverage are reviewed.
  • key phrases. Revisited їх rozpodіl for groups, vikoristannya in different types of viability, as well as those, how to zastosovuyutsya modifiers.
  • Goloshennyam. Relevance to landing pages and requests, pardons, correctness of posting on the resource side, posting of similar images and logos, as well as voicing, in which case the business is to blame, are reviewed.

With the manifestation of a great number of pardons, the creation of a new oblique record is suggested, which is more rational, without making adjustments to the old one. Promoting the right strategy to promote the business to develop a richer process, for example, how to lead people after the design of the promotion, or to give the ability to competitors to set a higher price per click for other product positions.

Optimization of advertising campaigns is due to the improvement of upcoming displays:

  • CPA - conversion rate, which is due to the confirmation of the successor's conversion;
  • CR - conversion rate, which varies depending on the type of purpose, for example, for forms of return linking wines can be at a level of 10%, and for transactions - do not exceed 3%;
  • ROAS - rotation of the cost, as it was used for contextual advertising.

In the course of the audit, the focus is also on indicators such as CTR, CPC, the number of clicks, the number of impressions in the upper part of the page. Guilty of optimizing the budget of the campaign, but not all niches have the sense to pay for 1 month from the species. As a show of the agreement, the voicing for 2 or 3 months can lead to a higher conversion rate.

Conducting an audit of the advertising campaign requires a scrupulous removal of the Google ADS and Analytics account, which, in due course, with the necessary approval in this area, will allow you to reveal current shortcomings, lay down a plan for the adoption of pardons. As we have already written more, even more often to reach the goals set, it is better to create a new oblique record.

Then, after submitting your advertising campaign to an audit, you will take a detailed look at the size of the advertising account and the skin working campaign, and, above all, we will form recommendations, further increasing them, you will increase the profit margin and reduce the cost for advertising.

Замовити послугу Analysis of contextual advertising

Audit of contextual advertising in eMiS internet marketing studio

The effectiveness of advertising campaigns lie in the presence of rich factors, it is impossible to prove it without a valid confirmation. Your task is to know those misfortunes of the “price / cost”, so as to allow you to systematize the cost and income. To keep up with the course, you need a good guide, like eMiS internet marketing studio. Our main achievements:

  • pushing the sites in the suvoro temporal ranges;
  • individual payment to the needs of customers;
  • a wide range of options for the cherishing of the zavdan, to stand in front of the deputy;
  • the versatility of all services is reasonable, like a studio;
  • personal consultations;
  • vikoristannya perevіrenikh dosvіdom tekhnologii, yakі allow to achieve the necessary effect in the given term;
  • the optimal hour of vykonannya zavdannya zavdan for the good organized team work;
  • revision of processes and prompt introduction of corrections;
  • details on the skin project.
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We work with any projects, regardless of the scale and area of ​​interest, but we rely on the same service and craftsmanship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an Audit of the Republic of Kazakhstan Needed?

Express-audit of contextual advertising allows you to objectively assess the parameters of advertising cabinets and designate directly the development of a marketing campaign, which will be the most appropriate for your business.

The main stages of the audit of the Republic of Kazakhstan (service checklist)

Account setup

  • Communication with conversion systems
  • Selected audience


  • Ability to increase functionality
  • Manageability

Nalashtuvannya RK

  • Audit of a given market segment
  • Evaluation of the correctness of the choice of marketing tools
  • Regional targeting
  • Movnі nalashtuvannya


  • Relevance
  • Quality of contextual advertising
  • Correctness improved by SEO requests


  • Traffic frequency analytics
  • Pіdrahunok vtrachenih showings
  • Work with negative words

Installing nalashtuvan in context media

  • Targeting customization
  • Audit of Internet maidanchiks to show stunners

Verification of the slur

  • Improving impressions
  • Relevance to requests
  • Information content
  • Landing pages review, URL audit


  • Objectivity of rates
  • Priming

Audit of advertising campaigns to show technical and strategic pardons, problem areas in work with various outbuildings, suggest ways to solve problems.

Who should audit the Republic of Kazakhstan in eMiS internet marketing agency?

Prior to the analysis of contextual advertising, a senior PPC facilitator is educated, which may be evidence that confirms the peculiarities of your online business.

What is required for a successful contextual advertising audit?

The deputy needs to provide access for our facsimile to an account in the RK system, as well as in the web analytics system:

  • Yandex Direct
  • Google Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Yandex Metrica

How to open fahivtsu access?

To Yandex Direct

  • Go to the page "My campaigns"
  • At "Registered Representatives" choose a new representative
  • At the top of the tables, enter your personal data
  • Click on the “Register” button
  • Update side. In the updated version of the representatives of your company, you will get a new name.

To Yandex Metrica

To see the statistics, you can check in Yandex Metrika for representative or guest access.

The representative type of access is registered according to the following scheme:

  • At the “Representatives” branch, enter a login for a new participant
  • Press "Save"

Guest access is registered in the following way:

  • Find out in the YaM distributed "Nashtuvannya lichilnik"
  • Click on "Access"
  • Select sub-item "Individual access"
  • Click on "Add Koristuvach"
  • We were asked to enter a login, then choose an access option, which you are ready to give: just a review or editing
  • Complete the procedure "Add"

Google AdWords Access

  • Go to "Tools"
  • "Payment and Payment"
  • Find "Access to account"
  • Enter e-mail to the new koristuvachev

Set a new access rate for:

  • Administrator (secondary access with the possibility of managing, editing, reading statistics)
  • Standard (with the right to create and change campaigns, without access to penny transactions, remote access and adding new participants
  • Only reading (revision, creation of zvіtnostі without the right to edit, access to certain distributions)
  • Only notifications (the right to receive postal notifications)
  • Finish accessing the clicks on the window "Submit request"

Google AdWords Access


Select access rate:

  • A free entry to any website of the company - "account", a way to only one site - "resource", private access - "representation"
  • Navproti equal to press on the "Management of Koristuvachs"
  • Enter the e-mail address and login of the correspondent, as well as select from the list of debts to you. This includes the ability to manage, allowed for changes, reading and analysis.
  • Vіdmіtiti "Alert the koristuvach by e-mail"
  • At the end of the procedure: "Add"

How many hours does it take to conduct a comprehensive audit of contextual advertising?

Analysis of the underlying loan for 2 years.

How much does the audit of the Republic of Kazakhstan cost?

The price of service in the eMiS advertising agency is free of charge.

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