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English SEO

If you meet the need and have the opportunity to scale your business, we recommend not to settle down with a businessman, but to sell yourself on the supra-promising markets of the USA, Europe, Canada, Australia. Pushing the site behind the cordon may have its own peculiarities, and its successful implementation will allow you to accept the English version of Google.

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Promotion of an English-language site in eMiS is


Economy of finances

Vinyatkovyh vitrates for the correction of pardons, additional functionality of the site


Saving time

on the site's appearance in the TOP views of Google and Yandex, so that SEO facsimiles will immediately start to increase positions, bring traffic and generate sales


Effective website

optimizations and developments for our UX recommendations do not only give a sale, but also increase the loyalty of your brand

The truth and myths about the spoofing of the site behind the cordon

SEO for English resources in the greater Dovgostrokov, lower for sites in the Russian zone. In this way, in order to achieve maximum results, only "white" natural methods are used. The main features of the English language Russian SEO:

  • in the English zone, the site takes more time and is more laborious, lower in the Russian one, which is the first for everything with great competition;
  • The number of potential views of your resource in the English search system of Google is not visually higher than in the regional (Russian) one.

    Myth 1. It is not effective to push through in the foreign segment. We call it wrong. Navit fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, that SEO-optimіzatsiâ site without buying silan is not very effective and does not allow the resource to enter the TOP. Great companies allow their own publication in reputable publications, and more other vicarious options available to them.

    Myth 2. There are no exchanges of articles for the English-speaking segment, and there are no posts. Tsezh not vidpovidaє dіysnostі, shards of stink є і їх dosit rich. Methods of pushing, buying a message - everything seems to be the same, like in the Russian version of the Internet. The details are already insignificant.

    Myth 3. For passing on the Zakhod, you need a large capital investment. Posilannya on the stock exchanges is far from costing dearly. For high-frequency and mid-frequency power supply, a 30-dollar budget is sufficient, and for low-frequency power supply, it is enough to spend 4-5 dollars.

Pushing the site behind the cordon

Why varto sell business on foreign markets

SEO-optimization in the foreign segment of the Internet has become a trend in the last hour. Launch your project on new markets, increase conversion, increase sales, profits. Just to mention: if in Runet you can secure a hundred million potential customers, then in the English zone you will be checked for over a billion potential buyers.

Until then, don't forget that the audience at the entrance is effectively platform-promoting. While in the post-traditional space, the average salary becomes close to 500-600 dollars, then in Europe, the USA, Canada, the average salary is about 3000-3500 dollars.

About scaling the business, it’s time for these companies to think about it first, as they are engaged in the production of their products without geographical prestige, give services or sell intellectual products. Promotion of an English-language site will be good for IT companies that specialize in creating sites and software, travel companies, companies that promote online education, etc.

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How to get through English sites

The main principles, which are victorious when submitting sites beyond the cordon:

  • it is necessary for the project and its target audience;
  • carried out analysis of competitors and proposed solutions, the result of which will be poshukovy traffic and an increase in the number of goals;
  • vikoristovuemo especially perevіrenі tactics, yakі absolutіvnі vzpechnі vіznesu;
  • control over the implementation of all recommendations and tasks, which were adopted at the planning stage;
  • it is the most important priority at the moment of the task and we see the results ourselves.

Traditionally, English SEO is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • niche analytics;
  • site audit;
  • selection of the semantic core;
  • work on internal optimization;
  • preparation of yakіsnogo content;
  • masi extension;
  • analysis of analytical information;
  • a robot with social and recognition factors for a koristuvach ranking.

Great respect is given to content marketing. At this stage, the resource is updated with new articles, photo and video materials. Proponuyuchi koristuvacham okіsny content, we do not only stimulate them to subscribe to the materials from the distribution of the blog, but also to improve the position of the site in those who see the same key requests. The content is guilty of being borderline informative and cursive for koristuvachiv. He is guilty of guilt no more than twice a day. You can’t forget about the actual help to the resource, as it’s not only guilty of revenge relevant key phrases, LSI-requests, but also pidshtovhuvati koristuvachiv to tsiliovyh diy.

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The work on the content will be combined with the work on internal optimization, as it is formed from the next steps:

  • the manifestation and correction of pardons in the code;
  • internal linking;
  • redesign with improved adaptability (correct work on different platforms);
  • development of UI/UX;
  • creation/optimization of meta tags;
  • links to social accounts.

Under the hour of optimizing SEO, you need to buy profits. The promotion of the site in the English segment is based solely on the "white" methods, the link building is responsible for this, but as natural as possible.

To be in the trend, it is necessary to match the current weather and the demands of the coristuvachi. In our country, and more so in the USA and European countries, marketing on the mobile Internet is developing most actively. On the way, according to statistics, about 60-70% of all purchases are made for the help of a smartphone, which, as we wrote earlier, the resource is to blame for being adaptive.

The site can be submitted in such a way that the coristuvachi otrimuvaty as accurately as possible and swedish vіdpovidі on their request. It does not only change the number of widows, but it forms a more loyal position to the resource, the need to continue spivpratsyu.

Poshukov's algorithms are miraculously placed up to the diversity of the content. For that very reason, it is necessary to give proper respect to the video content. Dosvyd yogo winkoristannya to bring, scho actively promotion of video in the content with a viable SEO-optimization є effective additions for promotion in the TOP.

An important step is to expand the content, the meta of which is to promote the recognition of the site (brand). For whom media banners are bought, contextual advertising is put in place, work is carried out in social media (SMM).

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Pushing the site behind the cordon in eMiS internet marketing studio

It's too early for your ability and ambition to dare you to take a guide to the Western market. There are great prospects, if they become available to you, if the promotion will be organized correctly. To keep up with the course, you need a good guide, like eMiS internet marketing studio. Our main achievements:

  • pushing the sites in the suvoro temporal ranges;
  • individual payment to the needs of customers;
  • a wide range of options for the cherishing of the zavdan, to stand in front of the deputy;
  • the versatility of all services is reasonable, like a studio;
  • personal consultations;
  • vikoristannya perevіrenikh dosvіdom tekhnologii, yakі allow to achieve the necessary effect in the given term;
  • the optimal hour of vykonannya zavdannya zavdan for the good organized team work;
  • revision of processes and prompt introduction of corrections;
  • details on the skin project.

We work with any projects, regardless of the scale and area of ​​interest, but we rely on the same service and craftsmanship.

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