Content is becoming more and more important and it is already something more than just blogging, it is communication with the audience on a new level. In 2018, the effectiveness of online promotion completely depends on the quality of content. But the Internet is a fickle thing: what was an effective tool for promotion yesterday is no longer working today. And an Internet business will be successful only if you know what type of content is trending today. eMIS specialists offer their own view and present to your attention 10 content marketing ideas that are relevant in 2018.
Video is one of the main digital marketing trends of recent years and is still at the peak of popularity in 2018. Communication with the client must be effective and involving, and for this it is necessary to influence all the human senses. Interactive content copes with this task perfectly: we hear, see and immerse ourselves in the plot of the video, we are left with impressions from the information received. If you are up to date and want to get new customers, add video content to your strategy. It is desirable to make videos small, up to 1 minute. For example, the channel of the Rozetka online store on YouTube, which publishes about 30 video reviews every month, is watched - for a minute! – 3.5 million people per month. Per month! So why not use quality video content to attract new audiences.
His blog, which constantly contains new high-quality company content, worked perfectly in 2017 and will be an equally effective content marketing tool in 2018. Both the principle of expertise, which inspires confidence, and the principle of transparency of information, which is highly valued by Internet users, play a role here. Give the visitors of your site the most "meat": let your site be associated with a reliable source of information, give unique and useful information. Be a specialist who is close to your audience and knows how to find solutions to their problems.
Streaming video is rapidly taking the lead, overtaking other forms of information delivery such as text and images. In 2017, video streaming accounted for 75% of all traffic, especially on social media. Users increasingly trust online broadcasts rather than recordings and videos. Therefore, you can succeed in attracting an audience by adding a live video to your Facebook or Twitter page. Conduct live events, tell us about your company, about new products in the assortment, or start a discussion. Such communication with the audience has a very positive effect on loyalty.
Interactivity is the backbone of the modern Internet. Anyone can comment, post, share any publication, and thus distribute information on the World Wide Web. Comments, response posts from real users are a great source of unique content for your online business. You can specifically introduce special talk triggers for this purpose, provoking readers to communicate.
The publication of the same material on different sites is yesterday and is already perceived as bad manners. As a rule, each social network is a separate unique audience, with its own interests and needs. And what is interesting to Facebook users may not always be of interest to the Twitter audience, and vice versa. Therefore, today it is necessary to prepare content separately for each site, taking into account its features.
Large publications - long reads - are gradually losing their effectiveness in attracting and retaining the attention of the audience, although they are still well received by parsers. Content specialists are increasingly dividing large materials into several parts. The principle of the series works here, when the series ends at the most interesting place, and you are looking forward to the next one.
These are short videos that describe products and explain (hence the name) their benefits. Sales videos effectively present new products to customers without taking up a lot of precious user time. In addition, the presence of a video description on the product page increases the trust of the audience by 4 times and, therefore, stimulates sales.
If earlier high activity on the site was equally effective both for working with clients and for interacting with search engines, now more attention is paid to the quality of content than quantity. Therefore, you no longer have to bombard your customers with emails and Facebook posts, especially since it can be as annoying as intrusive advertising. Better work on high-quality, unique, interesting and useful content.
This point follows from the previous one. Metrics - the number of clicks, views, shares - is, on the one hand, data on the effectiveness of your content. However, the metric does not show what impression your content makes on the audience. Therefore, once again - quality and once again quality as the basis of successful content marketing!
Recent trends in social media show that users with only a few thousand or even a few hundred followers are more trusted than the multimillion-dollar Instagram stars. If it is an authority in its field, for example, a specialist in lending to individuals of a bank, then it is 99% likely that he will receive live responses and comments in response to posts. Expert opinion for the audience is more important than even the most attractive, but paid advertising. Use this principle when working with content on social networks.
the actual direction that should be used in the promotion strategy. Contact eMIS specialists for help, we have been working effectively with content for several years and are always aware of the latest trends in content marketing in Ukraine and abroad. We know how to attract and retain your audience!
Author: Karina Manko, Content Marketing Specialist
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